Monday, May 4, 2009

Not all who wander are lost

Your troublesome teenage years are long since past. High School is nothing more than a hazy recollection of a few rose-tinted highlights; haphazardly strung together on a timeline that uses the length of your school uniform as a chronological yardstick.


Your early twenties are now just memories of giddy ignorance and naïve recklessness. The ability to sustain the weekly cycle of dancing all night, studying all day and working somewhere in between, without the slightest glimpse of hangover or bags under your (unwrinkled) eyes, is a gift that no longer belongs to you.


The brazen 25 year old with big ideals, high hopes and higher heels has softened and become all too realistic. Makeup has now become a necessity as opposed to a tool to make you look older.


Here you stand: In your late twenties, two heartbeats away from being 30. Aren’t you supposed to have ‘it’ all worked out by now? Do you?


If you’d asked me that question ten years ago, the fresh-faced 18 year old would have immediately launched into a well-rehearsed and self-assured soliloquy entailing careers, travels and independence. Today however, my answer is far simpler: No. I don’t have anything worked out, nor do I think I'll be any closer in another 10 years.

But I’m having a blast along the way!


  1. Personally I do not like living a planned life. I love the excitement of not knowing what comes next. On the other hand I DO believe that you should have certain aspirations and goals for the future.But no need to place time-frames on those goals...

  2. I love it and so get it! Plans are great, goals are excellent but without twists and turns along the way, there would be no adventure in the journey.
